Although the Guns of Icarus Alliance did not achieve the desired success across the PC platform when it was released in May 2017, a studio had earlier revealed that the game was on the way to the PlayStation 4 platform in the first half of 2018.
The studio has officially confirmed the release of the Guns of Icarus Alliance, which he said will be on May 1 and will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 4 platform.
The game will support the stage of cooperative play, as well as the stage of group play of up to 32 players in one game room.
But some may find it a problem that you will also need to join the PlayStation Plus in order to experience the game. You should also know that the game will come at $ 15, but there is a pre-booking feature where you can order the game now in advance, where you will get a discount up to % 25
Guns of Icarus Alliance will support Crossplay, which will enable you to experience the game with address owners across the PC platform.